Update the translation of MiniLyrics

If your MiniLyrics upgrade to the new version, and there are some additinal strings need to be translated, please use "MiniLyrics Translation Tool 1.6".

  1. Click here to download MiniLyrics Translation Tool, and extract it into the MiniLyrics' directory.
  2. Run the tool, click menu item: "File" -> "Open Translation File..." to open your old translation.
  3. Double click the listed strings to translate.
  4. Go to: "View" -> "Only NOT Translated Strings" to list all/NOT translated strings.
  5. Go to: "File" -> "Save Translation file" to save your translation.

How do I translate MiniLyrics into other languages?

  1. Download and install the latest version of MiniLyrics, open the 'English.ini' file in the MiniLyrics folder with your text editor.
  2. Modify the Language name and Language Code.
    MiniLyrics will load the suitable default language by the language code.
    Language=Localized Language Name (Language Name)
    LanguageCode=Language Code
    LanguageCodeFull=Language Code
  3. Save the file as 'LanguageCodeFull.ini'. Also, please make sure the file encoding is UTF-8
  4. Preview your translation.
    Select the context menu item: 'Tools'->'Preference', then select the 'Setup' Item in the popup dialog, click the 'Select Language' button to select the translation that you just created.
  5. Please contact us to submit your translation, we will send you a registration code as reward.